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Space Hacker



                                Space Hacker,
          a submission to "Gynvael's Winter GameDev Challenge 2018/19"


According to the challenge's goal of creating an "unrealistic hacking simulator",
the player finds himself in a maze on a hostile planet with doors blocking his
way to the exit.


Crashing from an expedition and remaining unconscious for several years, he has
to make his way through the tunnels to reach an evacuation ship at base level 10.
Whilst aiming for his goal to escape this obnoxious planet, the lost space marine
has to face closed doors last opened in the interstellar war, when this outpost
had been occupied by the "Zckrr-tcjsch", an alien race with a hive intelligence.

Fortunately, the crashed space marine is as predestined for the job. Many years
at "Hollywood Hacking College" made him one of the best hackers in the universe.
Figuring out many different system breaches on a Unix-like OS ("SpaceOS"),
his suit and the doors running it can be accessed and hacked through the built-in
shell in his equipment.

Will he last until he reaches the exit of this tremendously ugly planet or is he
about to fail this enormous challenge because of tideous work nobody wants to do?
Only the future will know ...

                              Getting started:

To actually play the game, simply un-zip the provided SpaceHacker.zip and save it
anywhere on your computer. Double-click the file "game.html". This will open your
internet browser. No installation is required.

Now you are pretty much ready to go ...

Keep in mind that the game works best with "Fullscreen-mode" applied (F11) on a
machine with 1920px * 1080px.

                              Playing the game:

General Information:

  - The actual game is splitted into two screens:
      - the main game screen (left):  this is where your player moves back and
      - the console window (right):   this is the screen you have to issue all
                                      your commands in

How to complete the game:

  - The aim of the game is to escape the maze.
  - Walls cannot be jumped over.
  - Doors can only be hacked if you are standing a maximum of 1 tile (square)
  - There are always 4 doors named "door1" to "door4". This ID gets used to
    actually hack the corresponding doors ingame.

  - There is no way to get the ID of a door without "TRIAL AND ERROR", just as
    Hollywood wants us to think about coding: writing much stuff in a
    short time :D

                              Command Structure:

                                |--- help
                                |--- man
                                |--- mov
                                |--- echo
                                |--- clear
                                |--- ls
                                |--- finish
                                |--- gdb
                                |     |--- hack
                                |     |--- exit
                                |--- tux
                                |--- moo
                                |--- sl

                                Built with:

  - CSS: The styling language used to change the game's overall experience
  - HTML: Handles the basic display and element orientation
  - Javascript: The logic behind the game is written in here

                                Time usage:

            This game was designed during the predestined time of
                  January 2nd 2019 - January 30th 2019.


  - Jakob Bach        (jaba17)      - https://github.com/jaba17
                                    - jakob.bach15@gmail.com

  - Bastian Toschek   (Oriwaschi)   - https://github.com/Oriwaschi
                                    - bastian.toschek@gmx.de